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Meet Elaine Storms, Another Long Tenured Golden Living Employee

Golden LivingCenters | posted July 29, 2014 | Bookmark and Share

One of our longest tenured employees, Elaine Storms began working with Golden Living on October 1, 1966 and currently is the coordinator of health information at Golden LivingCenter - O’Neill in Nebraska.

Elaine started out with a privately owned nursing home as an LPN straight out of nursing school. She recalls working all aspects of care including the day-to-day duties of laundry, kitchen and activities coordination.

“Wherever we were short, I jumped in to help,” she said. “I even worked in administration for a while.” Now she works in the medical data area.  

In the early days, the nurses did a lot of the care. Now Storms notes that there are more specialists who work with the patients. Technology also has changed everything. She recalls going from all handwritten notes and doctors orders to all computerized ones now. The patients also have changed.

“The stories these residents can tell you are quite intriguing. One gentleman was a rough and tough character who was in a body cast but regularly sent out for his whisky. He also liked to visit with the ladies and was a big flirt. It was hilarious,” she shared. 

She didn’t see quite as many acute care patients then as she does now. She also enjoys taking care of the rehabilitation patients who are there to eventually be sent home.  When asked, Storms spoke highly of her time so far at Golden Living.

“Golden Living is on top of the new era and really is ahead of the other companies and gets the upgrades faster. I really feel like we are well informed on what’s coming ahead and have continuing education programs with competitive wages. Golden Living gives nurses the opportunity to better ourselves. I feel like everyone is given a fair chance.” 

In all these years, Storms hasn’t lost her compassion for working with the elderly and would encourage the next generation to follow in her path.

"It takes a special person to work with the elderly. Follow your dream," she charged.

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